(revised July, 2016)
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As Carl Sagan famously said, we are "star stuff"
exploring the stars. Life is the information pathway by which the
universe achieves consciousness and self-awareness, and begins to
explore itself, including evolving new modes of experience,
creativity, and beauty. In terms of creativity, humans represent a
fractal iteration of the creative energy of the Cosmos, as well as
of its evolutionary powers. Because the entire material universe
devolves from light, matter and life are a conserved form of the
information content latent in the energy of light, expressed
primordially through the broken symmetry of light - leading to our
"matter-only" cosmos, charge conservation, atoms, the Periodic
Table, chemistry, biology, and humanity. The charges of matter
are the symmetry debts of light (Noether's Theorem), and
through these charges the energy of light is transformed into the
information content of the world. Hence it is ultimately through
the connection between light and matter (atoms), charge
conservation and symmetry conservation, that humans retain their
connection to the primordial creative energies and information
content of the universe (and the multiverse). "We come trailing
clouds of glory..." (Wordsworth)
This paper has been
translated into Ukrainian by Anna Matesh - many thanks Anna! See:
and the Weak Force IVBs
In physics, it is the role of the weak force
"Intermediate Vector Bosons" ("IVBs" - the W, Z) to "marry" a
"real" particle with the appropriate alternative "virtual"
charge carrier so that a transformation of identity can take
place. The alternative charge carriers (leptons, neutrinos, and
mesons) exist in the "spirit world" of quantum physics, the
Heisenberg/Dirac vacuum "sea" of "virtual" particle-antiparticle
pairs, which wink in and out of existence continuously as they
form, self-annihilate, and form again. Essentially, the IVBs
provide a bridge between the 4-dimensional "real" world and the
2-dimensional "virtual" world; the real particle and virtual
particle pairs meet on this IVB bridge, where the particle
receives from the virtual pair the alternative charge carrier it
needs for its transformation, then returns to the real world
with a new identity. (The IVBs can also be seen as a bridge to
the electroweak force unification symmetric energy state, where
particle identity exists at a generic rather than a specific
level.) The similarity of this process to the trance possessions
of shamans and mediums and their purported journeys to the
"spirit world" to effect healing or other transformations is
evident. The shaman or medium is in the specialized, high energy
role of the IVBs, providing a bridge between the real and the
spirit world of "virtual" or unmanifest beings. (For a
discussion of the physics of the weak force, see: "The "W" IVB
and the Weak Force Mechanism" and "The Higgs Boson
and the Weak Force IVBs".)
In the human world, the priest, shaman, or
medium provides a bridge between ordinary people and the spirit
world. It is the role of the priest, shaman, or medium to ensure
that proper rituals are followed, so the exchanges can occur and
the transformations take place; this is the analog of the IVB
insuring that the proper quantum rules are followed, while it
provides the special high energy, dense metric in which the
joining of the virtual and real worlds can take place. When the
ceremony is over, the people and the spirits return to their
respective worlds, both transformed. (The human body functions
as a temporary, physical, alternative charge carrier for
individual "identity", of which the "soul" is the presumed
immortal or spiritual component.) The church is always a special
"holy" place, where the "wholeness" of life is celebrated, that
is, where the spiritual realm is reunited with the physical, the
"virtual" or 2-dimensional realm is united with "real" or
4-dimensional particles and people. In some sense the church
(building as well as institution) acts as the massive IVB,
producing a "special metric" or "holy space" in which the
manifest and unmanifest worlds can meet and effect
transformations of identity and/or charge (for example, "born
The services of the priest are most necessary
when identity transformations are occurring between this and the
spirit world, such as at birth (baptism), marriage, and death.
The joining of people in marriage requires the services of the
priest because it is a genuine transformation of identity: names
are changed, families are joined, and formal preparations are
made for the conception of new lives and identities. Marriages
are usually declared to be consummated in the spirit world as
well as in the material world ("What God has joined
The archetypal magic trick is to vanish or
create a real item - "now you see it, now you don't". The rabbit
comes out of the hat and disappears again. The quarter
disappears from the hand and reappears behind the ear. This is
also nature's ultimate magic trick - the creation (or
transformation) of real particles from light or virtual reality,
and their disappearance or return into the "vacuum" (whether
elementary particles or people: life and death). This is
likewise the ultimate magic of the shaman, the creation (for
example) of prey animals for the hunter by intercession with the
spirit world through the use of alternative identity carriers,
in this case symbolic drawings and sculptures which are
analogous to "animal neutrinos" (alternative identity carriers)
or "souls". In the church today, which is our modern dimly lit
"magic cave" with its priest/shaman, we find iconic art with a
very similar "miraculous" purpose, the intercession with the
spirit world through alternative identity carriers embodied as
symbolic or representational icons, talismans, figures, etc.,
and of course the ultimate church "miracle", the transformation
of the wine and wafers via the mediation of the priest with a
virtual spirit world.
The Fractal Connection
As Chardin so eloquently realized, life is the
whole rationale, purpose, and goal of the Cosmos; that is why
life feels so natural, right, and good to us, and why the
Universe appears to be so beautiful and friendly (the "Anthropic
Universe"). We belong here, the Universe exists for us and wants
our awareness, intelligence, creativity, and capacity to
experience, appreciate, and create beauty. The production of
life from inanimate matter is the great miracle and sacred
mystery of the Universe. The energy and information contained in
every atom is the Divine Presence. Every religion however
constituted celebrates the experience of life and its ultimate
triumph - everywhere and always - over death. As the patient
eons turn, the creation of the elements in the stellar forges of
the galaxies provides a firm foundation for the information age
that emerges as a dominant and fertile parameter from the
primordial chaos of raw energy, spacetime, matter, charge, and
field vector. It is no wonder that when life achieved the
capacity for self-contemplation, it declared itself a miracle
and created religion to sanctify and celebrate itself, the Life
Force, and the Information content (including Natural Law) of
the Universe.
Among the many great wonders of our existence
that we might mention, at least six stand out: 1) the "Big Bang"
creation of our life-friendly universe; 2) the evolution of the
planets, stars, and galaxies; 3) the evolution of the atoms and
elements; 4) the evolution of life; 5) the evolution of humans;
6) the evolution of symbolic thought - producing language,
spiritual awareness, religion, the arts, sciences, and
technology, and the recognition of Natural Law. While it may
"take a village to raise a child", it takes the entire universe
to create one: the size and complexity of the universe measures
both the difficulty and the significance of that task.
From the dust of the Earth, mixed with water and
energized by the Sun, life arose on this planet as an inevitable
expression of the information content and fractal form of matter
(if life is the rationale for the Cosmos then life must also be
inevitable). In "Nature's
Fractal Pathway" (and "Table") I
have documented the fractal nature of the information pattern of
life, specifically DNA, as part of a nested pattern of similar
forms, beginning with the three families of four elementary
particles produced during the "Big Bang", carried through the
nuclear, atomic, molecular, and chemical levels of structure to
the (biological) nuclear material of reproducing, living
systems. The pattern is repeated at largest scale in
astrophysical processes, bodies, and systems of stars and
galaxies. Life is one expression of a universal fractal pattern
which appears on every natural scale in a 4x3 and 4x4 form. The
pattern occurs extensively as well in human thought concerning
the form of the Cosmos, in our religions, legends of creation,
mystic and occult systems, and scientific cosmologies. We have
two premier examples of ancient systems of prognostication, both
still in use after more than two millennia, Astrology and the I
Ching, representing intuitively derived "world orders" rather
than specific cosmologies or religions. Both are perfect
examples of the universal 4x3 fractal pattern, one Eastern, one
Western, both independently derived. Western religion and
mythologies are replete with the 4x3 pattern, which is also
found in Buddhist and Hindu philosophy; the pattern recurs in
minor religions around the world. The fractal pattern of life
and human thought is another link between the system of matter,
humanity, and the Cosmos: "as above, so below". The intersection
of the universal 4x3 fractal algorithm with the replicating
molecule RNA-DNA is of the utmost significance for the origin
and abundance of life in the Universe. (See: "Newton and
Darwin: The Origin and Abundance of Life in the Cosmos".)
One of my favorite stories in the history of
science is that of the discovery of the transmission of
electromagnetic waves by the great German physicist Heinrich
Hertz. Hertz knew how to produce electromagnetic waves, but not
how to demonstrate their transmission through space and
reception at a distant location. In a flash of insight, he
realized that the receiver must be built in the same form as the
sender. Thanks to this intuition, Hertz became the first to
demonstrate the wireless transmission of what we today call
radio waves. This principle of the isomorphic, resonant,
symmetric (fractal) form of the sender and receiver of energy
supplies us with the necessary clue to understand one of the
most enigmatic statements in the Bible - the creation of man in
God's own image and likeness (Genesis 1:26-27). This is an
intuitive recognition and statement of the General Systemic or
Fractal nature of the Cosmos, leading us directly to an
understanding of the reason for the fractal nature of the
Universe: its nested, isometric form is the functional basis of
its resonant connectivity, allowing the Cosmos to communicate
with itself, transmitting energy and information to all its
parts, regardless of distance, time, or scale. This leads us to
the question: has God created us in His image, or have we
created God in ours? In a thoroughly fractal Universe, are these
even different questions? How are we to know the dancer from the
dance? (See: "The
Information Pathway"; "The Information
Ladder"; and "The Fractal
Organization of Nature" (table).)
The Miracle of our Universe
John A. Gowan Jan., 2014
Perhaps the most astonishing thing modern physics
has revealed to us is that the world is built from the simplest of
ingredients. How do we get from a proton, neutron, electron, and
neutrino to a Beethoven symphony? But given enough time,
Nature somehow evolves even this emergent miracle.
The "Big Bang" begins with pure electromagnetic energy (light),
and a few conservation laws - the conservation of energy/entropy
(Clausius, Boltzman); symmetry/charge (Noether); and
causality/information (Einstein - velocity "c"). These 3 linked
couplets of physical law are themselves linked within
thermodynamic, electromagnetic, quantum, and relativity theory,
and they include an emergent, crucially important 4th linked
couplet, spacetime and gravity/inertia (Einstein). It is this
combination of positive electromagnetic energy, negative
gravitational energy, conservation law, and information which
builds our universe. Creation begins with the simplest of blind
forces, the attractive/repulsive forces of electromagnetism, and
the attractive-only forces of gravitation and the color charges of
the strong force. The neutrinos act as an information-only
component of this primordial "soup", distinguishing among leptonic
"flavors", and separating matter from antimatter.
Of course, even pure light is far from simple: the rainbow tells
us that much. But modern physics informs us that light not only
has multiple frequencies, it contains "virtual particles" (a
"bound" or (potentially) "massive" alternative form of
electromagnetic energy), composed of matter-antimatter particle
pairs of specific kinds of leptons and hadrons (whose ultimate
origin, like that of light itself, remains mysterious). The
hadrons in turn are composed of quarks and a confining gluon
field, so as it turns out, light is not simple at all, it contains
hidden within itself a fantastic amount of information mostly in
the form of virtual particles, a portion of which are made
manifest during the "Big Bang" or "Creation Event" (presumably due
to the asymmetric
weak force decay of electrically neutral leptoquarks). It is
this information which will, over evolutionary time, under the
impetus of energy and entropy, and with the constraint of
conservation law, build all the complexity of our universe, even
including the emergent genius of Beethoven and his Ninth Symphony.
Homer's "war for beauty" (for Helen) seems to me a correlate of
the principle of symmetry/charge conservation in modern physics.
Even in the simple snowflake we see the connection between
symmetry and beauty. In physics, symmetry conservation is
forcefully effected through charge conservation (in particles) and
inertial force (in spacetime), establishing the connection between
beauty (symmetry) and truth (conservation), as intuited by Keats
and proved
mathematically by Noether. In biology, the "war for beauty"
takes place explicitly in competition between (for one example)
the male birds of paradise, enticing females to choose the most
handsome among them. In our own species, this principle (sexual
selection) has transformed prehistoric apes into modern
supermodels - and likewise transformed our brains in a parallel
and entrained process. In music also, we choose the best composers
(or at least we used to), according to similar aesthetic
principles - principles of harmony which, as discovered by
Pythagoras, translate into mathematical harmony as well - and, as
revealed by quantum mechanics, extend to the resonant harmonics of
electron shell frequencies.
Is the evolution of the universe, from simple energetic principles
of attraction vs repulsion, into human beings, also a blind
process, or is it in any sense guided? Well, it is obviously
guided by physical conservation law, and by the information
inherent in the primordial particles and "quark soup" (Gamow's
"Ylem"). Because symmetry conservation is one of these fundamental
guiding principles (manifest primitively as charge conservation),
we end in biology with beautiful creatures who recognize, express,
and value beauty. There is also a fractal pattern driven by a 4x3 algorithm
operating within the evolutionary process, beginning with
the quarks and ending with our genetic code. Hence we are created
in the image and likeness of a universal
conservation/information/fractal/resonance principle - and if you
want to call that "God" I will not object, but suggest that you
must probably add the "Multiverse" to your equation.
Breaking the primordial symmetry of light and
its particle-antiparticle pairs (during the "Big Bang" or
"Creation Event"): (added July, 2014)
Neutrinos and
the "Identity" charges they carry form and conserve our personal
connection to the Cosmos, beginning with each and every elementary
particle. Neutrinos are the physical analog of the metaphysical
"soul" - the identity component and quantum of the information
field, or information parameter, which constitutes our personal
connection to the Cosmos - indeed, the personal connection to the
Cosmos of every elementary particle of matter. Creation is not
possible without the "Identity" charge of the neutrino, as
it provides an alternative charge carrier to replace the
elementary particle's actual antimatter partner - which would of
course cause an annihilation reaction if it was itself used to
balance charges. Such annihilation reactions would return all
elementary particles and their antimatter partners to the photons
which created them, leaving the symmetry of light and its
matter-antimatter particle pairs (whether virtual or real)
unbroken. (The primordial symmetry of light must be broken before
information of any kind can manifest - typically in the form of
the charges of elementary particles - which we have identified as
"the symmetry debts of light", acknowledging "Noether's Theorem".)
The symmetry debt of missing antimatter - the "Great Asymmetry" of
our "matter-only" universe - is the source of all our woe: mass,
charge, gravity, time, causality. Hence it is the neutrino, the
least of all particles, which carries the most important of all
charges: neutrino "identity" charge allows single, massive
elementary particles to manifest without their antimatter
annihilation partners (presumably during the primordial asymmetric
decays of electrically
neutral "leptoquarks" during the "Big Bang"), while charge
conservation allows these particles to wander the vast entropic
conservation domain of spacetime without becoming lost.
of the Cosmic System (July 2014)
Matter - Energy - Life: (Teilhard de
Bound electromagnetic energy
(atomic matter) - free electromagnetic energy (light) -
Information (periodic table): ("Tetrahedron
Model") This "Cosmic Trinity" of free vs bound forms of
electromagnetic energy plus the information contained in the
Periodic Table of the Elements (information revealed by weak force
symmetry-breaking during the "Big Bang") is a succinct
formulation of the basic ingredients (ontology) of our Cosmos.
To these basic constituents, we need to add preexisting
physical constants (derived from the Multiverse - such as the
value of "c"), and post-existing evolutionary forces
(Darwinian Natural Selection). The Four Charges (electric,
color, identity, location) and the Four Forces
(electromagnetic, strong, weak, gravity) they create must also
be considered. Finally, conservation laws pertaining to the
long-range spacetime and short-range particle forces are
required to control the unfolding
dynamic of the Cosmos, which is driven by three primordial and
interrelated forms of entropy (the intrinsic dimensional
motions of light,
time, and gravity). Chief among these conservation laws
are Energy, Symmetry, and Causality-Information, as set forth
in the "Tetrahedron Model", as well as the "Standard Model"
of particle physics. Dynamical theories of the forces
developed by Newton, Maxwell, and Einstein (among others), and
quantum mechanics, are involved in regulating the expanding
Cosmos and its material content.
Transformations between free and bound electromagnetic energy
states (light vs matter) account for the major
charges and forces of physics: they are the symmetry
debts of light and the local gauge
symmetry forces (field vectors of the forces) which
maintain the values of these charges despite local conditions
of relative motion and variable metric fields. The physical
"agenda" of the Cosmos is to return its asymmetric bound form
of electromagnetic energy (atomic matter) to its original
symmetric form (light), in obedience to Noether's
Theorem. This it accomplishes through the conversion of
mass to light in stars, supernovas, quasars, and finally and
completely, via the "Hawking radiation" of black holes. Life
is the beneficiary of the free energy released during this
conversion process. (See: "The Tetrahedron
The meaning of
our Cosmos appears to be an anthropomorphic ("human
life-friendly") exploration by the energy of the Multiverse of
its information potential, including the extent of its
creative powers and capacity for beauty, culminating (locally)
in humanity. Our universe is created from/by the Multiverse,
which thus becomes the mysterious and sacred "First Cause".
God rules an Empire, not just a Kingdom. The
creative pathway of our Cosmos is apparently a fractal
iteration/evolution of ever more complex information
systems, interactive with and derived from
one another. The connection between the abiotic and
biotic information systems is through the electron shells of
carbon and the reproductive capacity of molecular RNA/DNA. A 4x3 fractal
algorithm is operative, such that the generation of life in not a
random event. Once a reproducing molecule in achieved,
Darwinian evolution takes over and the rest, as they say, is
history. Life is probably commonplace in the Cosmos, although
technologically sophisticated life may be rare. In any case, interaction
between such advanced life forms appears to be extremely
unlikely due to the tremendous
scale of spacetime.
(Added July 2014)
Matter - Energy - Life (Teilhard de
Bound electromagnetic energy (atomic matter) - free
electromagnetic energy (light) - Information ("Tetrahedron
"Information" is the connecting
idea between life and spirit - between science
(biology) and religion (metaphysics). Princeton physicist John
Archibald Wheeler famously characterized the ontological role
of information: "it from bit".
"Spirit in nature" is the "information" content of nature, as
found in the great repository of the 92 elements of the
Periodic Table, and elaborated by the living, reproducing
molecules of RNA/DNA in biological organisms. While the
ultimate source of information is the Multiverse (the
scientific stand-in for "God"), in our cosmos information
begins with the asymmetric creation of matter via weak force
symmetry-breaking during the "Big Bang". Antimatter is
annihilated, while a residue of matter composed mostly of
hydrogen and helium atoms is left to form our stars and
galaxies. Information creation continues in stars and
supernovas through the creation of all 92 natural elements
(following a 4x3 fractal pattern - as embodied in the "alpha
particle" (helium nucleus), the "brick" or building block of
the nucleosynthetic
We revere the sun and stars not only for their heat and light,
but because they are creators (factories) of information.
Information is stored in atoms primarily as charge and spin in
two linked systems: 1) as orbital parameters of the electron
shells (low energy information useful to life); 2) the
configurations of its nuclear constituents (protons and
neutrons - high energy information useful to stars). Even the
geometry and shape of large molecules may contain biologically
significant information (as in the proteins). The concept of
"Information" allows us to produce a General Systems bridge
between a religious/spiritual vs a scientific/material view of
the Cosmos.
Teilhard de
Chardin was the great expositor of this view, although
he did not use the concept of "Information" (he used "spirit"
instead), as "information" was only just coming into general
use as a recognized physical parameter during his lifetime.
What connects life and information? Life begins and evolves
from information contained in specific molecular forms
(combinations) - RNA/DNA - that "know how" to reproduce and
maintain themselves, and successfully compete with other
living forms (even those of its own kind), retaining this
information for its own use and passing it on to its
offspring. While these complex chemical systems begin as
purely "mechanical" forms of information replication, storage,
and processing, competition and evolution (even at the
molecular level of organized chemical systems) soon favor
"individuals" (specific molecular combinations) with an
aggressive "personal" agenda for survival and reproduction -
resulting in "self-interest", "identity", and "personality" -
even in very early living systems. (Later, social organisms
will find they must adhere to a more altruistic behavior.)
(See: "The
Fractal Organization of Nature".)
A 4x3 fractal algorithm is involved in the evolution of
information, from helium to carbon to DNA to the genetic
coding for the amino acids of proteins, seamlessly connecting
the atomic and biologic realms. Finally, we note that the
astonishing Biblical assertion that Man is created "in the
image and likeness" of God, is best understood as a statement
of the fractal organization of the Cosmos from top to bottom.
(See: "Nature's
Fractal Pathway"; See: "Newton, Darwin,
and the Abundance of Life in the Cosmos".)
The universe explores, knows, and enlarges itself through the
Pathway" of life and humanity. Our role is to help the
universe understand and appreciate itself, and develop its
creative powers, productions, and expressions of beauty.
- "Inner" vs "Outer" realm of atoms = information/spirit vs
force or energy field. What Chardin referred to as the "inner"
essence of the atomic world we would refer to as the
"information" content of atoms. It is this information content
that eventually produces the emergent property "Life". In
religious terms, we might identify information with the "Holy
Spirit" and the information content of humanity as the "Divine
Essence" of humanity ("God incarnate").
Chardin saw man as the natural culmination of evolution. Man
is necessary to understand, explain, and control evolution -
as well as to see and review its whole history in the fossil
record. Man's control of evolution is the fractal iteration
that demonstrates the end of one fractal cycle and the
beginning of another in the physical world - natural selection
giving way to artificial selection of various sorts - not only
plant and animal breeding but genetic manipulation via gene
spicing, etc. From physical genetics/genes to the abstract
theory of genetics and human control of genetic evolution.
The most amazing emergent phenomenon is human consciousness
and creativity. But all life is an emergent phenomenon. What
is an emergent phenomenon? Look in the mirror. You are "star
stuff", you are composed of trillions of cells, myriad species
of bacteria, multiple organ and sensory systems of great
sophistication (although you lack one-half of a complete
reproductive system), you encompass incredibly complex
biochemical pathways and mechanisms, and yet (if you are a
normal, healthy individual) you have a single integrated body,
identity, personality, agenda, and action.
Emergent phenomenon are exclusively a characteristic of the
information domain. Man is successful to the extent that he
recognizes and utilizes the information content of Nature
Beethoven (and other geniuses) are emergent phenomena of the
human species and human social organization (human level of
natural organization). Human intellectual abstract mental
activity and creativity is an emergent phenomenon of the human
brain - language, art, science, religion, etc. Mind is an
emergent phenomenon of brain.
The atom, composed of a linked system of
electron shells and nuclear particles, presents a most remarkable
example of hierarchical information domains, the nucleus
containing information useful to stars and the process of
element-building, the electron shells containing information
useful to biology and the process of species-building. Thus are
the planetary and celestial domains united from the beginning by
the information architecture of their constituent particles: the
Microphysical, Biophysical, and Astrophysical realms of physical
reality. Human consciousness adds an emergent 4th domain: the
Metaphysical. (See: "The Fractal
Organization of Nature".)
There is a spiritual/physical Platonic duality operating in the
universe. In physics it manifests as the "virtual" particle vs
"real" particle duality, and additionally in my work as the
principle (derived from Noether's Theorem) that the charges of
matter are the symmetry debts of light.
I think of God as the Principle of Creativity and Life in the
cosmos, containing all forms of energy and information, utterly
eternal and conserved, manifesting through beauty, natural law,
the periodic table of the elements, the fractal organization of
nature, and quite probably the "Multiverse". Humans have an inborn
appreciation for beauty and the spiritual realm - due to the
abstracting ability of our highly evolved brains.
The universe is the body of God and natural law is God's law. God
is in every atom of the cosmos and the void between. Humans are,
like all other life forms, children of the universe. Our role,
unique on earth, is to carry forward, expanding and enlarging, the
creative activity of God into new realms and dimensions (art,
science, technology, information, biology, evolution, space
travel, etc.). Through mental creativity, humans distinguish
themselves from the animals and become God-like. Humans therefore
represent a new (symbolic, intellectual) fractal iteration or
domain of creative activity, manifesting through the abstracting
ability of our minds. For example, almost every creative act
of nature has been copied and enlarged by humanity - from the
creation of elements to the creation of species, including the
creation of society, culture, language, and formal moral code. And
- uniquely again - we are becoming citizens of our solar
system (perhaps eventually of our galaxy) through our space
The innovative human is indeed a true child of God - created
(evolved) in the "image and likeness" - at least in the sense of
fractal resonance. We have become the means by which the universe
knows itself, and rises to self-consciousness.
Religious Symbology:
Several times a year when visiting my son and his family, I attend
Sunday services at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the
Ascension in Oakland, California. This church uses a
marvelous variation of the common Christian Cross symbol, one that
features three circles or spheres on each of the four ends of the
cross, converting the usual simple orthogonal cross symbol into a
more complex but nevertheless universal 4x3 General Systems symbol
(see figure
below). This emblem now has a scientific interpretation in
addition to the usual religious one (of the Son embedded in the
Trinity): to the eye of the astrophysicist, this is indeed a "sun"
symbol representing four protons, each composed of three quarks,
converting to an "alpha particle", or helium nucleus - the process
of solar hydrogen fusion, the first step up the nucleosynthetic
pathway toward carbon and the complete Periodic Table of the
elements. The combining of the religious and scientific
interpretations of this symbol is philosophically interesting, as
it continues a long tradition of conflating pagan sun worship with
Christianity (indeed, Christ has always been identified with
"light"). Furthermore, we know that this first step along the
"Information Pathway" is necessary to all the others that follow -
the alpha particle is the nuclear "brick" used to build carbon and
all the heavy elements; from carbon and the periodic table we pass
to biological life forms; and eventually through evolutionary time
humanity emerges. Obviously, Christ cannot appear in human form
until humanity itself is evolved; hence in Christian religious
terms, the fusion process that fuels the sun is not just the first
step along a universal Information Pathway,
but also the first step in the long evolutionary upward climb
toward life, humanity, spiritual awareness, Christ, and finally,
the social expression of his namesake religion. This is a typical
example of General Systems symbology working on,
cross-referencing, and illuminating multiple information domains
and significance levels simultaneously. I don't know how ancient
the Orthodox cross symbol is, but one could make the case that the
solar hydrogen fusion process had been intuitively grasped -
quarks and all - long before science explained its detail.

(See: "The Symmetry
Groups of Light")
Why is there something rather than nothing
(an ancient philosophical conundrum)? Science can now answer
that "something" exists (matter, atoms, rocks, galaxies, etc.)
because our universe is asymmetric, lacking antimatter.
Antimatter was all annihilated during the "Big Bang" - the
"Big Bang" was in fact an annihilation event which did not
quite go to completion, failing to destroy all the matter. Everything
else proceeds from this basic fact: our universe is
asymmetric, in that it consists only of matter, lacking its
primordial antimatter complement.
A much more difficult question for science to answer is why is
there art, religion, philosophy, and science itself, why is
there life and consciousness in addition to matter? Excepting
life itself, these all are products of the human brain;
including life, all are emergent products of the information
content of matter. How does the human notion of an
universal God, of a Heavenly realm, of Divine Law and Justice,
arise out of the information content of the periodic table of
the elements? The same question applies to Beethoven's Ninth
Symphony - and all great works of art. Like all the complexity
and beauty of the flora and fauna of our glorious earth, these
can only be emergent products of the information content of
atomic matter, created over aeons of time by the evolutionary
mechanism of Darwin's
great theory.
The universe begins to understand itself, and develops a
recursive, fractal structure in that through evolution, we
begin to understand evolution and employ it to improve our
domestic animals and plants - evolution evolves a secondary
(human) creator and sentient evolutionary mechanism
(human-directed selection and "genetic engineering"). We are
indeed created in the image and likeness of our Creator - we
are "mini-creators" but with greatly reduced powers.
The "sufficient reason" (or rationale) for the existence of
our universe is the phenomenon of life - a phenomenon that
allows the universe to know and experience itself in the
specific, particular, and individual mode as well as in the
whole, and in fact (toward that end) to produce little
(fractal) versions of itself (as in humans). The
creative-evolutionary drive/energy of the universe and its
information content are principle features of what we call
"God". Evolution is directed toward universal
self-understanding and knowledge, much as
Chardin envisioned.
Holy Trinity: Father - "atoms and the void": the
material multiverse/universe, spacetime (including history),
atomic matter (the periodic table of elements), and the forces
and charges peculiar to each (conservation, entropy, etc.); Son
- the biological domain (life anywhere in the universe), and
the forces peculiar to it (genetics, evolution), including
emergent neuronal properties of brains such as consciousness;
Holy Spirit - information and metaphysics, including
human mental abstract creations such as language and
symbology, art, science, mathematics, technology,
philosophy/religion and the self-awareness and "intention"
(developmental direction) of the universe, and perhaps the
"Akashic Record" and spiritual/karmic domain of immortal souls
(Heaven). Humans are fractal subsets of the universe, trying
to understand itself and explore and enlarge its own creative
potential. The universe exists for us and we exist for the
universe. It may take a village to raise a child, but it takes
a universe to create one. As Tolstoy understood: "God is life,
and to love life is to love God".
C. Dodd's 4x4 Mathematical General System
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin : The Phenomenon of
Man. French: Editions du Seuil, Paris, 1955. English:
Harper and Row, New York, 1959